Learn how to train like a marine with this free workout!
Always wanted to get into the corps, but you need to know whats the BEST WAY TO TRAIN FOR THE MARINE CORPS?
Would you like to achieve great muscle, strenght, power and speed in the same time ? Maybe you always wanted to be a marine, you are training to become one or you would like to master their work ? You are in luck my friend. Because here comes the "train like a marine" workout.
Marines must face regular fitness tests:
-Females must maintain a flexed arm hang for 15 seconds, do 50 crunches in 2 minutes, and run 3 miles in 31 minutes.
Now the problem most of the guys face when trying to max the storecard is that they immediately fail after 10 pullups. Same might apply to women with their flexed arm hang. What is the problem ? Not only the unability to lift the body but with your arms to keep the grip. To get better endurance you need to get a better strenght.
How to improve your pullups
If you want to improve your pullups you need to include a strenght routine to your weekly calisthenic workouts. If only pullups are the problem then there is your solution:
-Get yourself a very heavy dumbell or a very heavy backpack (20kg/45 pounds or above) or vest anything you can hold or wear during pullups. Now wearing it lift yourself upwards and HOLD. Hold for at least one minute while staying up. Now slowly go down, up again, wait one minute up again. If you can do this more than 5 times get a heavier dumbell. Now if you can hold yourself up for at least a minute but can't do any more reps then hold up for a longer time, like minute and 20 seconds, minute and 40 seconds until you will either do more than 10 standard pullups or improve your strenght reps. This will get you to reps much over 20 quite soon. This simple trick will save thousands of minutes at the gym.
Now, to train like a marine this will be a standard template for your strenght routines, whatever will it be.
Strenght exercises:
Sandbag/dumbell squat
Sandbag/dumbell/bar deadlift
Dumbbell Clean and Press
Dumbbell Swing
Front Squat to Push Press
Side Bridge 30-60 seconds
You can add some dips and military press, bench press eventually.
Personally i use at least 20 kg for one dumbell. But if you are good you can move on to weights over 30 kg per arm or use a bar instead of dumbells. Also I train in the way to perform 8-12 reps with 10 second per repetition cadence (just one set) to get bigger muscle bulk. If I cant do any more of them i move on to gold band, silver band, black band. If you feel like you can't improve for couple of weeks then incerase the weight so that you can lift max 5 times (5 sets). You can also experiment and try to do those exercies for 45-60 seconds instead of 5-8-12 reps.
So the way i train weekly with this is :
1X Strenght routine from the vid (usually on monday), I vary the reps and weights for power strenght and muscle build, more on that coming soon !
2X Calisthenics or mixed calisthenics with strenght workout
3X Cardio with boxing sessions. You can do only interval training here.
Well thats pretty much everything you need to know how to train like a marine, good luck!